Industry News for Healthcare Management

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. As healthcare professionals, we all need to be informed as innovation, political progress, and scientific breakthroughs take place around the world. My goal is to help keep you advised of the many changes taking place, and explain what those changes might mean to how we manage healthcare. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to put them in your comments, so I can bring you the healthcare content you desire. Let's make this an interactive community for anyone interested in healths systems today!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Top Healthcare Issues in 2015

With 2015 now in full swing it’s not too late to look for what to expect in the healthcare industry. PwC’s Health Research Institute has put out a list of the top 10 trends that are expected to begin or continue this New Year. What I think is fascinating about the language of this publication is the fact that they refer to these new trends as the top ten “issues.” When I reveal the list below it might make more sense why I believe that is an interesting way of phrasing. Here is the list;

1. Do-it-yourself healthcare  

2. Making the leap from mobile app to medical device

3. Balancing privacy and convenience  

4. High-cost patients spark cost-saving innovations      

5. Putting a price on positive outcomes   

6. Open everything to everyone            

7. Getting to know the newly insured

8. Physician extenders see an expanded role in patient care  

9. Redefining health and well-being for the millennial generation  

10. Partner to win  


A little more context is given in the article, but as most of you can probably tell, many of the top 10 listed above should perhaps not be seen as ‘issues,’ but as opportunities to increase value for the patients. Certainly as healthcare continues to become more and more competitive there will be some challenges, but in the end the people win, and managing healthcare becomes more of a demand.

Share your Thoughts:
Do you think the list is of opportunities or issues in healthcare management? How many things on the list were you familiar with, or had heard of when referring to healthcare management? Do you believe healthcare for the patient and hospitals will improve in 2015?

A Special thank you to Baylor University MBA in Healthcare for the education to innovate the future of healthcare management.


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