Industry News for Healthcare Management

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. As healthcare professionals, we all need to be informed as innovation, political progress, and scientific breakthroughs take place around the world. My goal is to help keep you advised of the many changes taking place, and explain what those changes might mean to how we manage healthcare. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to put them in your comments, so I can bring you the healthcare content you desire. Let's make this an interactive community for anyone interested in healths systems today!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wall Street and Washington Talk about Healthcare

In the article below some big financial players discuss the ramifications of the newest healthcare reforms. Some quotes from the article include: 

"But I think it gets an F on bending the cost curve up instead of down." The U.S. spends 17 percent of gross domestic product on health care, compared with France and Switzerland, the next in line, at about 12 percent. "No one's demonstrated to me that our outcomes are better," Boorady said.

"health care is only one of two sectors that has added jobs in recent years."

Check out the full article at :


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love that last comment... haha!
