Industry News for Healthcare Management

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. As healthcare professionals, we all need to be informed as innovation, political progress, and scientific breakthroughs take place around the world. My goal is to help keep you advised of the many changes taking place, and explain what those changes might mean to how we manage healthcare. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to put them in your comments, so I can bring you the healthcare content you desire. Let's make this an interactive community for anyone interested in healths systems today!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

'Amazon' the New Medical Supply Company?

If you haven’t been trapped in an underground cavern for the last few years then you have heard of the company Amazon. But have you heard of Amazon in relation to healthcare management and medical supplies? As it seems Amazon is wanting to get in on the healthcare or medical supplies business which is making major medical suppliers a tad bit uncomfortable.

While Amazon currently sells some healthcare supplies through their platform ‘Amazon Business’ they are looking to expand its footprint within the healthcare market.

With a well established and well funded company such as Amazon other medical supply focused companies are being put in the hot seat to cut costs to increase margins to stay competitive.

Still Amazon has a lot of hurdles to face such as an already set up and heavily contracted marketplace, especially Premier and Vizient who has a good grip on more than half the market share and understands the ins-and-outs of supply logistics and storage while already having a relationship with their vendors. But the fact that Amazon is showing interesting in wanting to be a key player in the medical supplies business should alone, make companies think twice and look at their game plan on how they can keep a handle on their piece of the proverbial pie.

Share your Thoughts:

Do you think healthcare management should be willing view Amazon as a healthcare supplier? What would you do to prepare, if anything as a healthcare supply company? Do you think healthcare management should take a step back from signing long term supplier contracts to enable the best pricing?

Thank you to Baylor University MBA in Healthcare for helping their students navigate the always changing landscape of healthcare management.
