Industry News for Healthcare Management

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. As healthcare professionals, we all need to be informed as innovation, political progress, and scientific breakthroughs take place around the world. My goal is to help keep you advised of the many changes taking place, and explain what those changes might mean to how we manage healthcare. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to put them in your comments, so I can bring you the healthcare content you desire. Let's make this an interactive community for anyone interested in healths systems today!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hospital Transactions up almost 20% in 2015

In 2015 the amount of hospital structure changes, or ‘hospital transactions’ i.e. mergers, acquisitions, joint operations and joint ventures has increased by 18% in 2015. It should also be pointed out that the increase in hospital transactions increase by 70% since 2010. Of the 112 transactions in 2015 83 of them were in the not-for-profit being acquired.  

What has caused the increase in hospital transactions so dramatically since 2010? Many would point to the changes with healthcare reimbursement brought on by the Affordable Care Act.

Some smaller community hospitals feel the financial stress of needing to provide more services to patients at a reduced Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rate as well as an increase in free services covered under the umbrella of the Affordable Care Act. Larger hospital companies are buying up these smaller hospitals as they have a greater ability to afford these financial changes.

Share your Thoughts:
Do you think patients will benefit from the increase in healthcare transactions? How should healthcare management change or improve based on these changes? How do healthcare managers succeed and adapt to these changes?

Thank you to Baylor University MBA in Healthcare Program for the knowledge to navigate through an ever changing Healthcare system environment.
