Industry News for Healthcare Management

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. As healthcare professionals, we all need to be informed as innovation, political progress, and scientific breakthroughs take place around the world. My goal is to help keep you advised of the many changes taking place, and explain what those changes might mean to how we manage healthcare. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to put them in your comments, so I can bring you the healthcare content you desire. Let's make this an interactive community for anyone interested in healths systems today!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Healthcare and Technology

One of the major milestones for an organization working within healthcare is to keep their information ‘HIPPA’ compliant. And for new technology companies entering the market of healthcare, companies like Amazon, they have had to learn from the ground up exactly what that phrase means. This however, seems not to have provided a barrier to the tech companies ability to keep their momentum.

Just last year Amazon offered $125K dollars to the best app developer that could help patients with type 2 diabetes. This as part of a strategy to find ways to provide care for mothers, babies, the elderly and those who currently have type 2 diabetes. They communicated the challenge with the following statement;

“With this pioneering challenge, innovators have a unique opportunity to help navigate uncharted territory: experimenting with and developing new solutions for those managing a chronic condition. Communicating through voice, rather than just on a screen, has the potential to empower patients to change habits and improve their overall well being.”

Obviously the costs of maintaining and assisting these patient populations are beneficial to the US as a whole, but certainly tech companies like Amazon are poised to make plenty of money if they are successful at delivering high value to customers for a lower cost and more convenient than visiting their primary care competitors.

Share your Thoughts:
Do you think Tech companies and healthcare management should work together to make healthcare information more safe? Do you think the consumer/patient will become healthier with these changes? 

Thank you to Baylor University MBA in Healthcare for the opportunity to learn how to grow and excel as health managers with the constant healthcare changes and advances. 


Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Simple Win-Win Skill to Improve Management-Team Relations

Hooray! You’ve gotten a promotion into a healthcare management position, but now you’re struggling with how to translate your technical and operational skills into managerial skills. 
According to David Brendel in the Harvard Business Review this situation is far from unique.

Brendel explains that even with a vast skill-set many new managers can find themselves ‘quickly feeling out of their depth.’ Becoming a manager, like other skills, takes time and often requires acquiring new skills. Brendel believes that with ‘one-simple step: asking more open-ended questions and avoiding directive statements’ a new manager can develop needed skills quickly and effectively.

  • Open ended questions have the ability to:
  •  Promote dialogue and engagement
  • Gather information about teams
  • Build confidence and trust
  • Make team members feel valued.

According to Brendel, asking questions is a simple way to make progress as a manager and should be the majority of what healthcare management should be doing. He even quantified this idea with a ratio of 10:1 open-ended questions to directives.

As a healthcare manager you are not required to have all the answers to direct your employees on what to do, instead you can learn from your employees and discover how as a team you can all thrive and grow as an organization.

Share your Thoughts:
Should healthcare management lead their teams with open-ended questions? Would you appreciate this style as an employee or as a healthcare manager? Do you think this is a win-win type of healthcare management style?

Thank you to Baylor University MBA in Healthcare for educating and shaping future healthcare management to be effective and influential.
